Kristina’s Story


Kristina C.
Sobriety Date: March 3, 2022

Hi, my name is Kristina, and I am an alcoholic. My sobriety date is March 3, 2022, and that’s an important date to me because it’s the day that I became willing to change. I grew up in Garfield Heights with my mom, dad and four sisters. My parents are also alcoholics, but they did the best they could raising us. There was a lot of fighting and arguing in my house daily, so I had a lot of fear as a young child. I was very shy and insecure growing up and did not like being around a lot of people.

There was a lot of fighting and arguing in my house daily, so I had a lot of fear as a young child.

When my parents were in and out of prison and treatment centers, I started to act out and found a group of people that I started to feel comfortable around because they also didn’t have the greatest childhood, so I didn’t feel judged by them. I started to dabble with drinking and other forms of alcohol and all those bad feelings that I was experiencing went away. I absolutely loved it…until I didn’t.

I have been struggling with this disease for a long time, but I just wasn’t ready to stop. The progression took me to some bad places, and I seriously just wanted to die. I was completely miserable, and I lost everything including myself and my kids. No human power can keep me sober and once I pick up that obsession is too powerful, and I know that I can’t just stop.

I’ve had guns pointed at me, my house shot at, tased and beaten up so many times.

I became homeless, living in an area that I should never have been in. I was in a house fire because someone was trying to kill me because I ripped them off and owed them money. I’ve had guns pointed at me, my house shot at, tased and beaten up so many times. I lived in complete fear, watching over my shoulder everywhere I went. When my family and kids didn’t know who I was anymore that scared me so much. I was so incredibly sick, and I can’t forget that. That is why I live this program and incorporate the steps in my life daily.

I am accountable at my job, and they trust me with money, and they know I will show up.

I have a sponsor, a support group, and I facilitate a group every week at the Jean Marie House. I am so grateful to that place for teaching me this new way of living. I took suggestions and listened and now I have a wonderful relationship with my kids that I refuse to give away. I am accountable at my job, and they trust me with money, and they know I will show up. I am an adult that pays bills and takes care of her kids. I am also in a healthy relationship, and it is because we both practice the principles of the AA program. I am clearing up the wreckage of my past and I try to give back to AA because it saves my life every single day. If you are struggling, reach out to someone because this works.

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